
Musings from the edge of the system's rotten core

Sunday 16 October 2011

1%ers - Public Enemy Number One! Or maybe just your doctor.

1%ers - Strangely not including dope smoking bikers
I'm rather brazenly stealing somebody else's research for this (we call it "leveraging" work), but it's just too succinct for me to not put it up (at any rate, here is the link to the original article). Our fellow citizens from the "Occupy thisthatortheother" movement seem to rather hastily assume that their much vaunted target (among other things the greedy 1 pct of income earners) are all somehow to be found in the financial sector. Or maybe that all finance workers are actually in the top 1 pct of income earners. It probably doesn't matter which way round. It would also appear that facts won't get in the way of a good bit of demagoguery. Unfortunately, however, if you did take about 10 minutes to think about who the richest / most income earning 1 percent are it might become apparent that you are tarring an awfully diverse group of people with a somewhat broad brush when equating them with SATANIC BANKERS. Just have a quick look at the attached graph and the presumption that 1 percenters are the root of all evil might just look a little less convincing than when it was spray painted on some banner. I for one would rather want medical professionals to be paid well. Or lawyers for that matter. Well, at least the one that is representing me. I kind of believe in the notion of incentivising people for excel by offering larger rewards for superior performance. But I suspect that I won't be able to convince somebody who decides that the best time to demonstrate against capitalist greed is the weekend. WTF? And yes, I know this is a US based statistic, it's based on income tax not income etcetc...but it probably is a decent proxy for what I'm trying to say.
Mind you, maybe these upstanding folks with the ethnically diverse musical tastes and questionable hairstyles are not just objecting to finance professionals to be in the top one percent of the money making fraternity, maybe they object to the very notion that anybody should be in the one percent bracket. Last I checked, however, getting rid of the top one percent of any distribution only really works if you flatten the whole thing out more or less completely. Last anybody tried that everybody ended up wearing rather dreary boiler suits and would've made George Orwell both proud and distinctly uneasy. Oh, and they gave it up when they figures it didn't really solve their issues. Go figure, China. Anyway, looks like ideologues have all the answers and as such they don't need to care too much about arguments. Or as Billy boy was putting it: they don't need to care about how the opposition is doing. Almost makes me wonder why I am. Before I leave you to meditate on it all, just remember, true 1%ers do not wear pinstripes. They look a bit like this:
Grade A Banker